The Max Letters is a unique story experience. It's the story of Prince Max and his fantastic friends in a land of legends, elves, wizards and magical kingdoms, told through beautiful chapter letters delivered to your mailbox.
Yes! Once you purchase your subscription, a list of Question Prompts will be made immediately available to you in the form of a PDF that can be downloaded or printed. These question prompts correspond with each chapter letter, and are meant to spark conversation with a young reader you gift, so that you may "keep up" with their story journey, even if you aren't reading the letters. They'll also help you to explore your young reader's thoughts and discuss deeper themes in the text such as friendship, courage, truth and more. All are able to be navigated at the age appropriate level of your young reader.
Yes! The author read this story aloud to his children at bedtime when they were around 6 and 7 years old, so you'd be carrying on a lovely tradition if you read aloud to your family as well. The content contains action and adventure, but nothing inappropriate or controversial.